Please remember to read the front board: all projected plans for each week, as well as
objectives, are written on the board.
Monday, 1 December 2008
Novel/Play: Julius Caesar
Discussion questions from Shakespeare's tragedy
Essay: Argumentative--(Novel)
Vocabulary Enrichment Worksheet
--Reminder--Speeches will begin 4 December--be prepared
*understanding through written response
*critical thinking skills/application
*identify/use selected vocabulary
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Essay Prompts: Timed writing
Literature: Mark Twain's short stories--"Two Views of the River" and "Life along
the Mississippi"
Answer questions on pages 492 and 498
Literature: Kate Chopin's short story--"The Story of an Hour"
Answer 1-7 on page 551 and literary conflict on page 551
--Reminder--Benchmark Test Wednesday
--Reminder--Bring a number 2 pencil for the Benchmark Test on Wednesday, 3 December
*discuss characterization--dynamic/stagnant traits
*complete writing prompt using application of critical thinking skills
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
TEST: Benchmark Test 2
Bring reading material to read after the test is completed.
--Reminder--Mark Anthony's Funeral Oration speech will begin tomorrow--recitation is
from memory only--no aides
*mastery of Benchmark Test 2 objectives
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Student Presentations: Funeral Oration speech from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Criteria for grading is given in class.
*presentation of oral speech without visual aide
Friday, 5 December 2008
Student Presntations: continued from Thursday's lesson plan and objective.
Monday, 8 December 208
Literature: Edwin Arlington Robinson, Bio
"Richard Cory" and "Miniver Cheevy"
Audio clip of lyrical ballad--"Richard Cory"
*inferences of character and traits
*distinguish between situational/verbal irony
*discuss theme--deceptive appearances
Homework: page 571, number 7/Reading Strategies--1,2 on page 571
--Reminder--Vocab 12 test on 12 December
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Library: "Cultures Around the World" Project
Criteria given in class and discussed. Research specific country/culture/customs of selected
****Specific Criteria--oral presenation using only a visual aide: due date--Monday, 15
December 2008
*organize/locate specific information to be used in preparation for project: speech with
visual aide
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Special Class Project: Develop, create, and make a Christmas card for Special Needs
*innovative, creative thinking skills
--Reminder--Dunbar's poetry on Thursday
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Review Robinson's poetry
Literature: Pre-Reading Video--Paul Lawrence Dunbar and his two poems
Study Guide for Dunbar
Introduction of Bret Harte's "Outcasts of Poker Flat" using Big Idea video
*critical thinking skills in explication of Dunbar's poetry
--Reminder--Test Unit 4 Part 1 on Monday, 15 December 2008, along with Vocab 12 words
Friday, 12 December 2008
Literature: "The Outcasts of Poker Flat" continues
Study Guide/Audio format with record
*distinguish characters: dynamic/stagnant traits
*identify statements of generalizations
--Reminder--Test on Unit 4 Part 1 with Vocab 12 words will be Monday, 15 December 2008
--Reminder--Project: "Cultures Around the World" speech using only a visual aide is Monday....NO
Monday, 15 December 2008
Test: Literatur--Unit 4 Part 1,with vocab words
Presentation of Speech using only a visual aide.
*oral (no written response) presentation of prepaired speech (2 minutes) using only a
visual aide for prompt.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Alabama Dirct Assessment of Writing exercises
*critical thinking and writing skills/application
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Alabama Direct Assessment of Writing activity
*critical thinking and writing skills/application
Thursday, 18 December 2008
1st and 2nd periods: Semester Exams
Friday, 19 December 2008
3rd and 4th periods: Semester Exams
WOW! Time sure does fly!!!
Monday, 23 March 2009
Test: Vocab 8--3rd, 4th periods
Parenthetical Documentation Powerpoint-all classes
12th--begin Lord of the Flies, background notes
10th--begin The Jungle, background notes
All--Note cards due today/first 25
Handouts were given to students on both novels
*understanding through oral/written discussion
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Plaigarism--How to avoid it
12th--continue with novel, oral reading
10th--continue with novel, oral reading
begin Shakespeaere unit: Julius Caesar
*distinguish major/minor character roles
*identify elements of plaigarism in research work
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
All--Note cards due/second 25
All--Writing introductions and conclusions
10th--continue oral reading of The Jungle
begin Julius Ceasar
12th--continue oral reading of Lord of the Flies
Study Guides/Worksheets to accompany novel chapters will be given to students.
*understanding through oral/written discussions
*identify elements of plaigarism
--Reminder--be prepare for pop quizzes on content
Thursday, 26 March 2009
All--continue with oral reading of novel chapters and Julius Caesar
Friday, 27 March 2009
All--continue with oral reading of novel and Julius Caesar
**REMINDER--Please read the research packet so that all due dates for material are met.